- Date: February 24, 2016 @ 6 PM
- YouTube Video
- FBI vs Apple - Apple’s stance on customer privacy
- IBM Swift Sandbox - Online Swift compiler
- IBM Kitura - IBM Swift Backend framework
- IBM Bluemix OpenWhisk - IBM’s AWS Lambda
- IBM Swift Package Catalog - CocoaPods for Swift Package Manager
- Vapor - Yet another Swift backend framework
- Cygwin Port (Windows 10) - Swift for Windows
- Fluent - ActiveRecord ORM for Swift
- SwiftFoundation - Pure Swift Foundation
- SwiftEspanol.com - “The Swift Programming Language” in Spanish
- Swift 101 - Nuevo videos de aprendizaje de Swift en español
- Swift running on linux
- Why Swift and not ObjC
- Apple documentation (reference, examples, etc)
- What should we expect from swift in the future (backend services, multiplatform, android, etc )